It’s official, with the help of Chrome Industries & Rinng, the homie Ed Wonka was able to do some last minute planning and is now going to come with us to Japan later this month. During our stay we’ll be at Nine States Jam as well as doing a mini tour across the country. If you want to meet up with us while we’re there, shoot me a message HERE and I’ll keep you updated w/ our whereabouts. To everyone out in Japan, we’ll see you in the next few days.


Riding street in New York with Dew Sippawit gave me a whole new outlook on how Fixed Freestyle should be filmed. I’ve been focusing on capturing the commuter side of riding fixed, by shooting more follow lines through the city of on the curb off the curb type tricks. Dew is easily one of the most talented riders out there, and never ceases to amaze me with how dialed he is on a bike. Here’s a photograph of him posted up next to his custom built SKYLMT frame in New York’s China Town.


Seitaro Iki took this photo of our dude Valentin Racho throwing a barspin into some skatepark in Southern California. If you didn’t hear, Valentin won first at Summer Fix this year by throwing some of the craziest combos of the day. I wasn’t there, but the Video that Zane put out of the competition spoke for itself. I was real stoked to see so many people crushing it this year, the level of competition is higher than ever, and I don’t see it slowing down anytime soon.


Big thanks to everyone who helped me film this, there’s too many names to list, but you know who you are. If you both ride and film then I’m sure you know how hard it is to catch clips when you’re behind the lens all the time. Filmed during the course of 2013 in both San Francisco and New York. After riding on both ends of the US I’ve come to the conclusion that the West Coast needs more cellar doors. They were by far my favorite bit of riding street in NY. To add to that last thought, NY needs more hills because that’s where some of the best spots hide. It’s already been a good year for Fixed Freestyle, and I have a feeling it’s only going to get better. (more…)


Ed Wonka came to San Francisco yesterday to ride and hang out with Mike Schmitt and I. After warming up at Wallenberg we headed downtown where we came across this hammer of a rail. Ed walked up to it, took one look and juked a security guard before racking his way to the bottom. This is probably the biggest rail I’ve ever seen Ed do in person. What made it even better is that he did it as we were getting the boot. I’ll have some screen shots of it up later, so keep your eyes peeled.


Dew Sippawit started doing turndowns on Fixed the day before we left for New York. So when we went to McCarren Skatepark in Williamsburg to warm up I had him pull a couple look backs for the camera. I’ll slowly be posting up more photos from our trip to NY over the next couple months, so be on the lookout for those.


Mike Schmitt moved from the couch and into a room of his own earlier this month. Needless to say we’ll be filming even more now that he’s located a door down. It’s always nice living with the people you ride with. Makes things a lot easier.


Here’s an older one of Jaoa Danaikrit back when Dew and him were in SF for Ride & Style this year. I had the opportunity to film a lot with Jaoa while he was here and stacked up a ton of clips in just a few short weeks. I couldn’t believe some of the tricks he was pulling, his ice game is unreal. Be on the lookout for an edit of him coming out in the near future.


I shot this photo of Seitaro Iki blasting a tuck down a hill here in San Francisco the same he shot the skid photo of Devon & I. We’re real stoked to be going w/ him to Japan on the 21st, and can’t wait to shred someplace completely new.


Ed Wonka, Mike Schmitt and I about to go ride Wallenberg right now, so I figured I’d post this photo of Dew Sippawit clicking a table top before we left. Wallenberg is a great spot to learn new tricks, and is the closest thing we have to a neighborhood skatepark. It’s unfortunate that we can only shred there on the weekends when all the kids are out of class.