Steven Jensen, Jaoa Danaikrit, and Dew Sippawit were all throwing tailwhips at the 2013 Red Bull Ride + Style. Jensen has those ninja kick whips down nice like, it’s a wonder how he’s able to do them on flat. The thai dudes killed it and brought some unique tricks to the table, whips and nose manuals being just a few of them. Check out the photo below of Jaoa doing one on the big box. (more…)
Devon Lawson, Steven Jensen, and Jonathan Davis did some riding at the Active Warehouse w/ the rest of the Us Versus Them skate team. It’s sick to see bikes and boards shredding the same spots together. That last clip of Devon and Drinkard breaking their shit back to back was too good.
Steven Jensen enjoyed riding w/ us in Seattle so much that he decided to come back to the Bay Area w/ us to catch some last minute clips for Shredwell 2. Mike Schmitt and I filmed w/ him for a few days in San Francisco, while we worked on wrapping up editing SW2. I’m sure glad he came back w/ us, because he has some of the most technical clips in the video. Be sure to check out Jensen making a heavy appearance in the friends section of Shredwell 2.
Here’s a couple photos that TerryB took of all the homies hanging out at the Man Up or Shut Up pre party a couple weeks ago. We spent the night listening to music, watching old fixed videos, and drinking heavy thanks to an endless supply of free drink tickets. It’s not very often that we’re all under one roof, which probably explains why things got so rowdy. Check out more below. Photo Credit : Terry Barentsen (more…)
Last week a bunch of us took the Chrome Van up to Seattle Washington to film for the second installment of Can’t Fool The Youth. We were lucky enough to stay at Steven Jensen and Zlog’s house so we didn’t have to sleep in the back of the van. We had such a good time w/ Jensen while we were there, that he decided to say fuck it, and come back w/ us to San Jose. He’ll be staying w/ Ed + Mike while he’s here, so if you see him rolling around down town San Jose, be sure to holler.