The yearly Turkey Trot. Every year Bryan Dempler, Tobi Whaley and I go on our Thanksgiving day ride before we sit down and feast for the evening. We’ve hit the same route for the last 3 years running, and I don’t think we should ever change it. It’s starting to feel like a tradition at this point. There’s strength in repetition, and it’s a fun challenge to try and shoot it differently every time.
With rains the days before and morning leading up to our launch, things were still pretty wet. Especially once we hit the not so dusty trail on our decent back into town. Every couple of feet we had to push out tacky clay that had begun to accumulate in our wheels and tight clearance points. We were all getting tired of having to find a new stick strong enough for the job, but after hopping a couple fences, dodging a few cows and b-lining across some fields, we finally made it back to the main road. Check out photos from other years HERE and we’ll see you next time.