We had a lot of fun shooting “Complete the Circle” when Tadashi Nakamura was in Portland. He’s become a really close friend over the years and this is now the second time he’s traveled from Japan to ride bikes with us in the States. Those of you who have ridden FGFS already know how difficult it can be and Tadashi has clearly been doing this for a while. He had an easy time hopping on every handrail we came across. Portland has some great alleyways and often times we’ll take the road less traveled just to mix things up a bit. Check out more photos below and watch the “Tadashi VIDEO” if you haven’t already. Until next time.
“Uhhm, okay.” – Tadashi Nakamura said those words a lot during his time with us. Mostly after we just finished coaxing him into going for a clip, but sometimes after we asked a complicated question. We have a lotta love for Tadashi. He stayed with us back when we used to live in the Tenderloin in SF. Check out that video HERE. That was a crazy house.
Anyways… Let’s get back to our time in Portland. After Jaoa left, Tadashi took over his room and rotated in giving us a chance to shoot this quick video before he flew back to Japan. Which I’m really glad we did and don’t know why we didn’t think to film more sooner. It’s amazing what we can do with only a handful of film days. Until next time my dude. ✌
We all woke up feeling crispy the day after Jaoa Danaikrit’s Birthday. That being said we decided to keep it mellow and spend the day at the arcade. Ground Kontrol is one of our local watering holes and is an endless source of entertainment. Afterwards we decided to take the long way home and go for a quick jaunt through “Forest Park” to show Devon and Anthony some of the other things the great state of Oregon has to offer. I think we bit off more than we could chew when both Jaoa and I started to bonk halfway along the trail. Never the less, we all made it home in one piece. Just in time to BBQ before the sun went down. It was really amazing to have all the homies in town at the same time, and I already miss having Jaoa around the house. We’ll have to get the band back together more often. Until next time.
We turned things up to eleven this year for Jaoa Danaikrit’s Birthday. It felt like a reunion, or better yet like we were getting the band back together having most of the original Wheel Talk team assembled for the first time in a long time. Jaoa flew back to Thailand yesterday and my heart already misses him. I’m really glad that we had the chance to celebrate his Birthday before he left and even more glad that Anthony & Devon came to add to the celebration. Until next time my dudes, and happy birthday Jaoa. Another good year.
Another year is in the bag so we took a minute to reflect on 15 of the most memorable videos of 2015. It’s amazing to watch the progression that continues to happen year after year and I couldn’t be more stoked to be a part of it. Take a look below and see for yourself.
After flying over 8,337 km from Japan to San Francisco, Tadashi Nakamura spent two weeks riding and hanging out w/ us here in the Bay Area. We filmed for two days while he was on vacation and. from that, we were able to put together this video of his stay in the States. Filmed on January 17/18 2015.
I was real stoked to have Tadashi Nakamura come to town and ride with us in San Francisco during the later half of January. For every clip he stacked there was an even more brutal fall. I’ve been piecing together a video from his travels and am in the middle of wrapping everything up and getting it ready to release. Keep your eyes peeled for a new video dropping early next week.
Everybody loves a good bike check, especially if you’re in the market for new parts. That being said, I took this photo of Tadashi Nakamura while we were roaming around the city and asked him to provide a complete rundown of the parts he has on his bike. Check out a full list of specs below.
When Seitaro told me that his buddy from Japan was coming to San Francisco to ride and explore the city, I was immediately hyped. Less than a week later, Tadashi Nakamura appeared at a hotel in our neighborhood where he would be staying for the next two weeks. I rode over there after work, scooped him up, and wasting no time in showing him around town. Here are a couple photos from when we explored the tunnels along the railroad tracks on his last full day in The Bay. Check out more shots below and keep your eyes peeled for the video from his stay coming soon.