I’m not sure how it happens, but everything that’s shot on the Hasselblad 503cx comes out looking like pure gold. Even with film that expired more than 15 years ago. Big thanks to everyone who came out for the event and put up with me constantly herding everyone together for family photos. I know I ask a lot, but having photos to remember these times are worth it in the end. Until next time my dudes.
“Turn your bike sideways and do whatever the hell you want” were the only words I said when shooting these photos. I wish I could have captured a profile photo of everyone who came out the the Prickly Pear Jam in Arizona, but I only walked away with portraits of these 8 during the 3 days we were there. Scroll through and take a look at some all too familiar faces. After that, this concludes my photo coverage of both the jam and my brief stay to the land of the sun, or better put “A sunny place for shady people”. Who knows where the next jam will lead us.
Day One and we’re already sun burnt. Everyone is beginning to trickle in for the Prickly Pear Jam Saturday. It’s been 100+ degrees each day we’ve been here and I’m already in the market for an endless amount of sun screen, a bigger hat, and a sweat towel. We’ve wasted no time in getting broken off and feeling like death at the end of the day. Check out a bunch photos from the first day of our trip here in Arizona and be on the look out for more photos rolling out in the next couple of days.
Click “Read more” to see more.
Another year is in the bag so we took a minute to reflect on 15 of the most memorable videos of 2015. It’s amazing to watch the progression that continues to happen year after year and I couldn’t be more stoked to be a part of it. Take a look below and see for yourself.
Today I did some digging though our archives and came across this post that was put together but never published. I figured there’s no time like the present, and that we better get this out there before we enter into the new year. A while back Jeff Dempler made it down to Venice Beach, in Southern California for the 2013 Summer Fix. He spent most of his time behind the camera capturing most of the madness that went down that weekend. Jakob Santos blew everyone away with the huge wallrides he was blasting out of the quarter pipe against the handball court. Elliott Milner destroyed the flat rail, Joe Mckeag clicked some dialed tabletops, and our dude Valentin Racho threw barspins over just about every obstacle there. Click the “Read More” button below to check out the rest of Jeff’s photo set. (more…)
Justin “Congo” Mitchell was crushing shit during the races at the 2013 Ride & Style. Not only did he snap his chain and go OTB at the start of his race against Austin Horse. He also ran someone off the top of the berm and into Zane to make up for a similar incident that happened to him last year. Congo, Addison Zawada and I were the only ones to compete in both events, but congo was the only one to wear his cycle shorts while he competed. On that aerodynamic tip. (more…)
Ape man Justin “Congo” Mitchell laid it down thick at this year’s Red Bull Ride + Style. This picture of him hitting a wallride in front of the judges came out too fresh. I can’t wait to see people start sticking inverted wallrides.