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WT Action Shots


Dave Beard hooked it up with this exclusive photo of Mike Schmitt blasting a gap to wallride at the Alameda Skatepark a while back. I don’t think his back tire could get much higher up on that wall. Shout out to the team for looking alive and making a quick cameo in the background. Photo Credit : Dave Beard


Dave Beard is constantly taking photos on a range of cameras when he comes out riding with us. He took these medium format shots of me riding on the East Bay as we wrapped up filming for “Word Is Bond”. I enjoy the mystery of shooting on film, you never know how it’s going to turn out. That being said, there’s something suspicious going on in the bottom photo. Photo Credit : Dave Beard


Last weekend Mike Schmitt and I were in desperate need to get out of the house, so we grabbed our jackets and rode out into the rain. We headed to the abandoned military base near our house and came across some rather interesting spots. It’s been so long since it rained that I had almost forgotten how much fun it can be.


I found this sequence of Mike Schmitt from the Shredwell 2 days earlier this morning. If you bought the digital download you may recognize it from the set of wallpapers that came with it. Seeing this photo makes me want to revisit this spot and film something new on them this year. Be on the lookout for both SW2 as well as the new Turf video “Word Is Bond” coming out for free online.


Its a well known fact that Anthony Combs has some of the biggest hops in the game, and is a regular kangaroo jack of the Fixed Freestyle scene. But little know that he’s one of the funniest dudes you’ll probably ever meet. He’s also an impressionist, a designer, and a cold blooded killer on the dance floor. Stay tuned for more little known facts about the team. Photo Credit : Jason Sellers


San Francisco is so densely packed with street spots that often times we wander aimlessly in search of new shit to shred. Seitaro Iki took this photo of Devon Lawson hitting an ice pick on this wall rail we found in our neighborhood. I’m usually not that into vertical compositions, but lately I feel like I enjoy them more and more. It could be that I spend so much time working with video that I’m not used to so many vertical pixels. Now I know what you’re thinking, and you’re correct. The “Big D” is Devon’s pro model hat from Premier Fits. Check out some more of Seitaro’s photography around the city HERE.


Christian Hamrick went down and slammed into this electrical box while trying to catch a line in Oakland today. He’s alright, but is pretty banged up. We’ve been mobbing around with a ton of people lately. Which has been a refreshing change of pace after doing so much riding alone in The City. Dave Beard is on it with the photos, and already posted a bunch of shots from today. Head over to his website to check out more. Photo Credit – Dave Beard


On the way to the spot we stopped by a hardware store to pick up some supplies so we could do some community service and open up a new spot. The bolts used to cap these rails were no match for our massive monkey wrench. We all stuck some tricks, packed up our bags and headed into downtown Oakland in search of street spots. We concentrate so much time in catching the clip that we often forget to get a photo. It’s been rad having Dave Beard around to shoot photos while we’re filming. Be on the look out for the Turf Bikes “Word is Bond” Video. Photo Credit – Dave Beard


Wheel Talk Team Member Valentin Racho has some of the most technical barspin tricks in the game. Seitaro Iki shot this photo of him throwing a barspin into the bank at some skatepark in Southern California. With the Team living all across the country we don’t get to ride together as much as we’d like. But it gives us the opportunity to act as ambassadors and help push the scene in each of our respective communities. Valentin is the youngest dude on the team, and is going to play a huge role the future of Fixed Freestyle


I’ve been playing catch up, and posting up some photos that we shot a while back. Here’s one that Seitaro Iki took of me doing a tuck no hander while we were on tour in Fukuoka, Japan. Devon Lawson & I took a look at this heavily guarded pyramid spot a couple of times while we were there, but weren’t able to catch clips on it until our last day in Fukuoka. I don’t know what the deal is w/ spots in Japan, but they would never build anything like this here in the States.