“Want to go on a long bike ride in Industrial North West with me?” This was the message I got from Devin Tolman right when I got back into town from Vacation with the Fam. After a week of relaxing and not having a bike around it felt good to get back on the saddle. Ernie came with us… Naturally.
I can’t believe that Summer is rounding out to a close and that it’s already starting to look like fall here in Portland. The leaves are beginning to change, it’s rained the last couple days, and we’re already back to the constant layer of clouds blocking out the sun. But you know what? I couldn’t be happier about it. Portland looks the best under these conditions and I’m really glad Devin Tolman got met out there to enjoy it. He’s one of the few friends I have who has an equal passion for photography and exploring places that say “No Trespassing”. Like that ever stopped anyone. lulz.