Here’s a couple of the photos that Bryan Dempler took while we were hanging out, riding bikes on the beach yesterday. I was pleasantly surprised when I found out how dense and smooth the sand close to the water actually was. Not quite concrete, but a hell of a lot easier than trying to do tricks on grass. This summer I plan on doing plenty of riding in this newly discovered playground, wearing nothing but shorts & shoes.
Photo Credit : Bryan Dempler


  1. Reply

    Jay Manalo

    January 26, 2012

    What’s it like to shred on this floor? How does it feel?

    • Reply


      January 26, 2012

      It was pretty firm near the water. was able to do 180 full cab combos and ride. It was just really windy.

      • Reply

        Jay Manalo

        January 31, 2012

        Sounds nice! You guys should pull an edit for it soon, would be nice to see it aha.


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