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Anthony Combs


Anthony Combs knocked out this double threader as were riding through San Jose yesterday. He took one look, circled around and hopped it first try. Made it look too easy, threading it top to bottom, and side to side.


Here’s an iMiNUSD advertisement that I made from a relatively old photo of Anthony Combs. The wood grain wrap job on his G.O.A.T is a dead give away of that. It’s been a minute since I’ve been in DTSJ to ride, going to have to change that real soon. Who’s down for a BBQ Jam on the iMiNUSD ramps at Jeff Dempler’s house?


Aáron Borrás from PRFIXED was out on the course popping off photos as we rode the ramps at this year’s Fijate. With nothing but Gasolina keeping us going we went hard in this unfamiliar climate, using our shirts as towels, instead of articles of clothing. Dunking our heads in water, and putting ice in our hats didn’t seem to have much effect as we melted beneath the hot Puerto Rican sun. There didn’t seem to be much escape from the humidity, but I don’t think any of us really care as we rode our bikes, and hung out w/ the locals in what has to be the best vacation I’ve ever been on. See more below (more…)


Here’s a photo of Anthony Combs at this year’s Fijate in Puerto Rico. It was hot as hell and humid beyond belief, the entire time we were there. We were constantly fighting to keep cool and hydrated, using every means necessary. Whether it was a water bottle shower, nuke warm Medalla, or a good old fashion Puerto Rican Gatorade “Gasolina“. I didn’t think it was possible, but I’m pretty sure I sweated out just about everything I drank. Hardly went pee at all during the trip.


Anthony Combs is a straight madman when he rides, and this photo of him ejecting from the cockpit underlines that fact. Anybody that rides Fixed Freestyle knows that it isn’t always easy to bail off the bike. Foot retention can be both your best friend and your worst enemy. But Ant seemed to have no problem muscling his bike out from underneath him while we were riding around SF the other day. I’ve never seen anybody cannonball off their bike like that before.


Here’s a look at The Grime‘s very own Anthony Combs posted up next to his size Small Ghost build. It’s amazing to watch the transformation of Fixed Freestyle frames over the last few years. There have been a ton of stabs in the dark, but I think we’re getting close to developing a standard for FGFS frames.


Ed Wonka + Anthony Combs both age another year today as they begin another trip around the sun. Ed enters into his Jordan year (23) ready to drop hammers and crush shit. While Combs comes of drinking age (21) and is now legally able to pick up on chicks at the bar. Be sure to show both of em’ some birthday love.


The Grime just posted this photo that I took of Anthony Combs riding at San Jose State last weekend. Combs has some massive hops hidden away in those Nike’s of his. The man looks like a young Bruce Lee, flexin’ his woodgrain G.O.A.T up and over that handrail. Watching Combs ride is like watching a Gazelle get eaten by a Lion.


If you’re ever tired from riding, and just need a place to sit down, then look no further than the bike between your legs. With this tried and true technique, you’ll be able to pop a squat wherever you may be. Good conditions, bad conditions, the bicycle seat has you covered. Try it now while our limited time offer of Free99 still stands.