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Yesterday Lucas Bockelmann went out filming w/ Ed Wonka around the streets of San Francisco. I went over to Ed’s house last night to peep some of the footage and eat some pizza. This huge tooth hangover was by far one of the gnarlier things they shot. I’m super stoked on the look of Lucas’s new HVX video camera which he’s currently using to film a video of all the dudes in Northern & Southern California.


I recently pulled a bunch of screen shots from Devon Lawson’s part in the upcoming Turf Bikes video. We’re currently wrapping up editing “Word Is Bond” and plan to have a premier or two before we release it. We’ll keep you posted on the details, but for now you’ll just have to marinate over these shots of Devon. Click the “Read More” to see more screen grabs (more…)


Wheel Talk would like to welcome Thailand’s very own Jaoa Danaikrit as the newest member to the WT Team. Filmed in the Bay Area over the course of his 3 month stay in America. Jaoa is one of the most impressive riders I’ve ever had the privilege of shooting. He bring tricks to the table that not very many other riders have, take his monstrous icepicks and his lengthy nose manuals for instance. I’d like to go ahead and thank Jeff Dempler, Devon Lawson & Dew Sippawit for helping film this edit. Click the read more to check out a bunch of screen shots from the video.


From the ashes of The Grime, a new bike company has risen. TURF is a Fixed Gear Freestyle company established late 2013. We’ve spent the majority of this year filming all over the country with some of the best in the business to bring you a video that you won’t soon forget. This 2 minute teaser is just a taste of what’s to come. Keep your eyes peeled for the full length video dropping early 2014. WORD-IS-BOND


This is hands down Jeff Dempler’s best work yet. He’s released a few Solo edits over the course of this year, none of which hit harder than this one. He’s been around since the creation of Wheel Talk and was the one who pushed me to ride in the early years. All of the follow shots in this looked butter smooth and gave the video a fast pace feel. It’s been a strong year for us over here at Wheel Talk and we’re already brewing plans of attack for next year. Until then press play and enjoy. (more…)


Zane Meyer recently released Devon Lawson’s Section in Can’t Fool The Youth 2 for the public to enjoy online. His section in the video was easily the heaviest part of the DVD which is most likely why it was saved for last. I filmed quite a bit of the clips in it, and was the most stoked on how the intro turned out. I don’t know which I enjoyed more, filming or editing everyone’s reactions. Dealing and bargaining with security is the worst part of the job, but there’s nothing more gratifying than coming back to conquer the beast before getting the boot for a second time in one day. If you haven’t already seen this, stop reading and press play already.


Ramon Antonio, Devon Lawson and I teamed up to cover some of what went down at the 2013 AFC Uproar. Big thanks to Ride SFO for hosting this event year after year, it’s things like this that help build the freestyle community. Which is why we’re going to take matters into our own hands and start hosting more of our own rides, comps & jams. We’ll keep you posted on that, for now press play and enjoy some of Fixed Freestyle’s finest. Read more below to see screenshots from the event. (more…)


A while back we teamed up with our friends at SPL Pictures to film this Slow Motion video in San Francisco. Everything was shot on the Sony FS700 and RED Epic, with Cine-Xenar III lenses provided by Schneider Optics. Special thanks to Solid Camera for outfitting the FS700’s for the shoot & our dudes Chris Marino, Tyler Lee Cushing, and Scott Lyman for coming out to film. Without their help, this video would not have been possible. Enough talking, if you want to learn more, check out the vimeo page if not, press play. Watch it HERE


A few weeks ago JeffyD, Mikul Eriksson and his crew made it up to SF to meet up with Matt Reyes and make use of the Canon C100 they rented. The day was full of fast tricks and faster riding all over the city, with a lot of commuting footage with some tricks mixed in. Above is a photo of Matt blasting a curb cut over the fire hydrant. Below is Matt getting sideways over the city, into the steepest hill of the day. (more…)


Big thanks to everyone who helped me film this, there’s too many names to list, but you know who you are. If you both ride and film then I’m sure you know how hard it is to catch clips when you’re behind the lens all the time. Filmed during the course of 2013 in both San Francisco and New York. After riding on both ends of the US I’ve come to the conclusion that the West Coast needs more cellar doors. They were by far my favorite bit of riding street in NY. To add to that last thought, NY needs more hills because that’s where some of the best spots hide. It’s already been a good year for Fixed Freestyle, and I have a feeling it’s only going to get better. (more…)