Monthly Archives

August 2011


After our quick little session @ the SF skate park Scott & I rode to 3rd & Army one of San Francisco’s most legendary skate spots. Here’s a photo that Scott took of me hitting an ice pick across the entire top of this table. The bottom photo is a screen shot off of a video clip of the ice to tuck out.


Scott & I made our way through the mission district, and rode to the SF skate park. Here’s the one photo I snapped off while before we finished off before we packed up and high tailed it to another spot. Definitely a fun little park, need to make my way back there to ride sometime. I didn’t know San Fransisco had a skate park, thought everyone just rode street in the city.


Yesterday I went riding through the Mission District w/ Scott Horton & we stopped at this yellow guard rail to snap off a couple quick photos. I’ve been shooting a lot more photos lately as apposed to always shooting video. Rediscovering why I love photography.


Today I went out for a ride through Golden Gate Park w/ my roommate (Jeff’s older brother) Bryan Dempler. Towards the end of our ride we made a pit stop & played with some ice pick combos on this decayed planter box. Photo Credit : Bryan Dempler


Last weekend, Ed Wonka, Scott Horton, and myself (Matt Reyes) spent some time cleaning up The Wheel Talk Compound, after months of neglect. Nothing a hose, some rakes, shovels, and brooms can’t fix. We had our good friend Mikul Eriksson come out and w/ a bunch of his video equipment and film our little afternoon session. Totally digging the way this video turned out, nothing but chill vibes and tandem lines.


Here’s some screen shots from an edit I’ve been putting together of our boy Jeff Dempler. Keep your eyes peeled for this dropping in the next week or so. It’s gunna be really dirt heavy, JeffyD’s strong suit.


JeffyD has those toothpick stalls on dry ledges pretty damn decent. Here’s a couple different angles of him sticking em’ on these fresh new ledges. Courtesy of the city of Gilroy. I can’t wait to head back up to the city and get out of this heat. #madhot Shirtless & shorts don’t even come close to cuttin’ it.


I’ve been in Gilroy for the past few days, and it has been nearly 100degrees everyday. Without fail. Yesterday I spent some time riding w/ Jeffy & Gonzo @ some local spots that have been reworked since the last time I was in town. We came across this series of little dirt step ups off the levy on our ride home, & decided to take some time to stop and pop off a few photos.


The other day I had my good friend Mark Grime come up to the city (SF) to muck around the city on our bikes. Here’s some shots that I snapped off while we were riding the dirt jumps tucked away in Golden Gate Park.


Every Thursday is bike day @ California’s largest skatepark (Lake Cunningham). So Ed Laforte, Matt Montoya, Alex Blanco, Devon Lawson, & I decided to drive out there to put in a little session before the sun went down. Street footage will always look better, but damn skateparks are fun to ride.