We’re always looking for a new roof to ride on and lucky for us Portland’s downtown is packed full of empty parking garages. All of which have an elevator that takes you straight to the top. Ideal for most hang out situations, we highly recommend you check your local listings and find a parking structure near you. Just because it’s built for cars doesn’t mean we can’t have our fun.
We turned things up to eleven this year for Jaoa Danaikrit’s Birthday. It felt like a reunion, or better yet like we were getting the band back together having most of the original Wheel Talk team assembled for the first time in a long time. Jaoa flew back to Thailand yesterday and my heart already misses him. I’m really glad that we had the chance to celebrate his Birthday before he left and even more glad that Anthony & Devon came to add to the celebration. Until next time my dudes, and happy birthday Jaoa. Another good year.
“Want to go on a long bike ride in Industrial North West with me?” This was the message I got from Devin Tolman right when I got back into town from Vacation with the Fam. After a week of relaxing and not having a bike around it felt good to get back on the saddle. Ernie came with us… Naturally.
I can’t believe that Summer is rounding out to a close and that it’s already starting to look like fall here in Portland. The leaves are beginning to change, it’s rained the last couple days, and we’re already back to the constant layer of clouds blocking out the sun. But you know what? I couldn’t be happier about it. Portland looks the best under these conditions and I’m really glad Devin Tolman got met out there to enjoy it. He’s one of the few friends I have who has an equal passion for photography and exploring places that say “No Trespassing”. Like that ever stopped anyone. lulz.
It’s Super Bowl Sunday here in Portland and this is the 4th year in a row that we’ve assembled the community to ride bikes and cause a ruckus instead of watching the big game. Bikes > Football. It’s a special time of year and we always use it as a good excuse to get out and film a day video. I always bring a football (which we lost in the river), some jerseys and whatever other sports props I can find. It’s never much, but it’s always enough to make things a little more interesting.
With more than 20 of Portland’s finest + Jacob Ruff who came down from Seattle to ride, we kicked things off right and kept the good times going. There’s a strong contingency of riders lurking around PDX. More and more keep coming out of the woodwork and it doesn’t seem to be slowing down. Keep your eyes peeled for more coming out of the Pacific Northwest, and if you live in Portland lets ride sometime. Press play, check out a bunch of screenshots below.
A glimpse of what’s to come. Here’s a little sneak peek of Devin Tolman wiping the slate clean during the filming of our latest Super Bowl Sunday video here in Portland. There’s so much moss growing all over the place, that I’m glad we were able to put a patch of it to good use. Keep your eyes peeled for the full video dropping later next week.
See ya never 2017. Yesterday the sun came out, the ice melted and the roads dried off. So Devin Tolman, Ramon Antonio & I grabbed our wheels and hit the streets hard. Apparently seeing the sun this time of year is a real rarity. I still don’t believe it yet. In my mind the sun is shining everyday. It’s just hidden beneath a thick layer of clouds is all.
I’ve harshed Portland for not being a real city since we got here. But everyday, little by little, I’m starting to see it. Especially in these photos of us riding around it’s downtown. I’m so used to shooting in direct sunlight, that it’s nice to be somewhere where it both looks and feels brick out.
Check out 20-something more photos below, and keep your eyes peeled for more fixie content coming straight outta Portland. 2018 is less than a day away and it can’t be here soon enough.